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ICLG Report on Gambling in the World 2022 for Spain

ICLG Report on Gambling in the World 2022. The Chapter for Spain. Patricia Lalanda and Fernando Martín have contributed to the English Chapter of The International Comparative Legal Guide: Gambling 2022, an annual publication edited by ICLG. His work serves as a useful reference guide that summarizes the main characteristics of the gambling sector in …

ICLG Report on Gambling in the World 2022 for Spain Read More »

Patricia Lalanda moderator in one of the sessions of the SBC | Summit Barcelona event.

Patricia Lalanda, partner of LOYRA ABOGADOS, will attend as moderator on September 23rd in one of the sessions dedicated to innovation in online gambling. It will start at 11:40 a.m., the session will cover topics such as technological changes that operators will have to consider in order to gain competitive edge. The event will take …

Patricia Lalanda moderator in one of the sessions of the SBC | Summit Barcelona event. Read More »

Loyra becomes part of Euro IT Counsel, exclusive group of law firms specialized in new technologies.

LOYRA ABOGADOS becomes part of EURO IT COUNSEL, a group of law firms specialized in IT and information technology. LOYRA is de Spanish firm chosen by this important group as its representative throughout Spain. ¿WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF EURO IT COUNSEL? He provides excellent legal advice throughout Europe in new technologies and telecommunications matters …

Loyra becomes part of Euro IT Counsel, exclusive group of law firms specialized in new technologies. Read More »

Medical Cannabis & Cannabinoid Regulation 2021

General Overview: the Cannabis Industry in Spain The definitions of “cannabis” and “cannabis derivatives” used in this article follow those set out in the UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 and by international drug control authorities. “Cannabis and its derivatives” means all products that derive from the cannabis plant, including flowering or fruiting tops, …

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Patricia Lalanda, participated in the Masters in Sports Law applied to professional football by LaLiga Business School

Patricia Lalanda, partner at LOYRA ABOGADOS, participated in the Masters in Sports Law applied to professional football organized by LaLiga Business School teaching on how the gambling regulation and sector affects professional football (topics: new online gambling advertisements regulation implications; betting on sports event issues, the quinielas, integrity, responsible gambling, etc.)  

Royal Decree on Commercial Communications of Gambling Activities .

Royal Decree on Commercial Communications of Gambling Activities First analysis  After 9 years since the entry into force of Law 13/2011 of May 27, of Gambling Regulation, the Royal Decree on Commercial Communications of Gambling Activities (view text in this link) who’s objective is to develop Article 7 (Advertising, sponsorship and promotion of gambling activities) and some …

Royal Decree on Commercial Communications of Gambling Activities . Read More »


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Strategic Agreement Loyra Abogados and Ejaso ETL Global

PRESS RELEASE   EJASO ETL Global continues to expand and becomes a shareholder in LOYRA The organization takes one more step in its growth strategy and becomes a shareholder in LOYRA, incorporating a highly specialized firm with expertise in regulated industries such as gaming and gambling, education, and life sciences. Further, LOYRA has a track …

Strategic Agreement Loyra Abogados and Ejaso ETL Global Read More »